Here is a list of films selected for 3 competition categories of the International Festival of Animated films ANIFILM, Třeboň 2013. We would like to thank all the authors who have submitted films for the competition and we are looking forward to seeing you in Třeboň.


Films for grown-ups

A Liar's Autobiography | Bill Jones, Jeff Simpson, Ben Timlett | Velká Británie
Consuming Spirits | Chris Sullivan | USA
Fat, bald short man | Carlos Osuna | Columbia
It's such a beautiful day | Don Hertzfeldt | USA
Ó Apostolo | Fernando Cortizo | Španělsko

Films for children

Jelly T | Michael Hegner | Dánsko
Kozí příběh se sýrem | Jan Tománek | Česká republika
Tad: The Lost Explorer | Enrique Gato | Španělsko
The Day of Crows | Jean-Christophe Dessaint | Francie
Zarafa | Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie | Francie, Belgie


Feral | Daniel Sousa | USA                    
Chase | Lokman Adriaan | France, Netherlands                 
Breathe - Tainan | Ching-Hsuan Lin | Taiwan
Heavy Mental | Sakova Martina, Kleinmichel Martin | Germany, Slovakia
Villa Antropoff | Kaspar Jancis, Vladimir Leschiov | Latvia, Estonia
Entropy | Avi Odenheimer | Israel
When One Stops | Jenni Rahkonen | Finland
One Moment Please... | Maarten Koopman | Netherlands
Kali the Little Vampire | Regina Pessoa | Portugal, France, Canada, Switzerland
Altneuland | Sariel Keslasi | Israel
Wind | Robert Löbel | Germany
Animation Tag Attack | Christen  Bach | Denmark, Germany
Father | Ivan Bogdanov, Moritz Mayerhofer, Asparuh Petrov, Veljko Popovic, Rositsa Raleva, Dmitry Yagodin | Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany
Out of Play | Ivan Maximov | Russia
Toto | Zbigniew Czapla | Poland
Along the way | Georges Schwizgebel | Switzerland
Sidewalk | Celia Bullwinkel | USA
Tram | Michaela Pavlátová | France, Czech Republic
The triangle Affair | Andres Tenusaar | Estonia
Rally Kampa-Petrin | Kreus | Czech Republic
Nyosha | Liran Kapel, Yael Dekel | Israel
Mrs Swine goes to the Scheissedisko | Christian Hippchen, Mathias Barth | Germany
Luminaris | Juan Pablo Zaramella | Argentina
Don’t Forget to take your Belongings when you leave… | Nina Bisyarina | Russia
Big Signal | Evelien Lohbeck | Netherlands
Off the Track | Rocio Alvarez | France
Nightangles in December | Theodore Ushev | Canada
Organopolis | Nieto Luis | France
What happens when children don’t eat soup | Pawel Prewencki | Poland
We May Meet, We May Not | Skirmanta Jakaite | Lithuania
The Pub | Joseph Pierce | Great Britain
The little Bird and the Leaf | Lena von Dohren | Switzerland
A Different perspective | Chris O’Hara | Ireland
Brave old new | Adam Wells | Great Britain
And/Or | Emily Hubley | USA
Doomed: a biological cartoon! 
| Guillermo Garcia Carsi | Spain


Another world | Matyáš Trnka | FAMU
Animaus et aqua | Michaela Hoffová | FAMU
Bublina | Maria Ol’hová | VŠMU
Cesta | Ondřej Dolejší | FAMU
Cizinec | Martin Máj | FAMU
Duše | Tereza Vostradovská | VŠUP
Kde rostou motýli | Vladimíra Macurová | UTB
Město nad Labem | Barbora Zadražilová | VŠUP
Nekudrň | Veronika Jelínková | UTB
Odvážný mladý muž… | Vladimír Daťka | VOŠF ZLÍN
Pandy | Matúš Vizár | FAMU
První rybka | Veronika Göttlichová | UTB
Přepadení | Jan Saska | FAMU
Pod vodou | Denisa Faltýnková | Univerzita v Ostravě