4th International Festival of Animated Films Anifilm
May 3rd-8th 2013, Třeboň, Czech Republic

  1. The aim of International Festival of Animated Films ANIFILM Třeboň is to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of Czech animated film, with an emphasis on sustainable development, popularization and publicizing of animated film and raising general awareness about the possibilities of animation – cultural, economic and social development. We want to initiate and support intercultural cooperation in the field of animated film and organize expert seminars and animation workshops.
  2. Anifilm is organized and promoted by the Citizens’ Association for the Support of Animated Film; company address: Hradešínská 6, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic; telephone/fax number: +420 257 534 646; e-mail: program@anifilm.cz; website: www.anifilm.cz.
  3. The fourth edition of Anifilm will take place in Třeboň, 3rd-8th May 2013.
  4. The programme of Anifilm consists of the following categories:


Competition programme

The competition of the fourth edition of International Festival of Animated Films ANIFILM, Třeboň 2013 consists of the following categories. Only films made after January 1st 2011 can enter the competition. Films selected for the competition will be assessed by the selection committee for the programme. Each participant who submitted a film is then informed about the result.

International Competition of Animated Feature Films

The main competition of the festival is divided in two categories: Films for Grown-ups and Films for Children. A feature film is a film longer than 60 minutes. Our aim is to present a narrow selection of films distinguished by an original idea, story, visual design or execution. We watch current production on the market with animated films and we address directors and producers based on our observations. At the same time, we give authors and producers an opportunity to submit their film to our festival via our online application form.

International Competition of Animated Short Films

This competition section presents several blocks of animated short films made by professionals. A short film is a film which is not longer than 40 minutes. We watch current production on the market with animated films and we address directors and producers based on our observations. However, authors and producers also have the opportunity to submit their film to our festival via our online application form.

Czech-Slovak Student Competition

The national student competition is aimed at supporting national production, which is currently on the rise, judging not only from the increasing quality but also from the number of submitted films. Anifilm Třeboň is becoming a perfect place for students to meet film professionals and forge new contacts. Schools or students can submit their short films via our online application form. We work with secondary schools, colleges and universities.

Non-competition programme

This accompanying film programme presents thematic overviews, presentations of film schools, retrospectives and tributes, aimed at different audiences.

A retrospective of a distinguished author

Every year, we focus on one internationally acclaimed author; we present him with an Award for lifetime contribution to animation, we screen all the author’s animated films and we also ask them to be a part of the jury.

Balance (Bilance)

An overview of current animated production from all around the world presents the most successful and most interesting films that have premiered in the Czech Republic during the previous year.

Focus (Fokus)

This section presents curators’ selections focusing on particular cultural and pop-cultural phenomena of current animation: geographical, historiographic or thematic overviews of various kinds.

Animo TV

A programme for children and grown-ups alike, consisting of national as well as foreign animated production, which includes novelties as well as classics and is aimed at different age groups.

Views (Pohledy)

This is a section in which a distinguished author of animated films can present their “fateful films” to the audience. Be ready to get surprised by the films that the world-famous author likes or was inspired by.


A curated exhibition of films made by a current director.


Special Programme

Visegrad Animation Forum (VAF)

VAF is a forum for coproduction, education and presentation aiming for starting up mechanisms, which could help finding new ways of financing or coproducing animated features. It strives for complex support of the preproduction, production and distribution of animated films in the Visegrad countries, which have a glamorous past in the field of animation, for supporting the talent and further education of animated film producers and professionals from both the Czech and foreign distribution networks. VAF wants to unify the animation professionals, step by step, so that together they can help improve the conditions for the growth and development of the entire field. VAF is organized by the Animated Film Association in cooperation with Anifilm and partners from other Visegrad countries.


Game Day

This one-day event aims mainly for the promotion of both Czech and foreign independent games and interactive projects. It consists of game creators presentations, author games screenings and promotions of the most interesting projects, which the visitors will be able to try on spot. The program is organized in cooperation with the České hry association, Amanita Design and Media Desk ČR. The desired target is to introduce artistically interesting projects and to point to the possibility of future cooperation between professionals from various areas of animation.

Animation Workshops

The animation workshops are the traditional workshops of animation for both children and adults, who get the opportunity to make their own animated film. The workshops are being led by experienced creators, film school teachers and students.

Chill-out Zone

A comfortable outside seating area offers screenings on a large LED screen, puppet shows for children and other surprises.

Lectures and classes

We invite internationally renowned film professionals, who then lecture on concrete topics concerning animated production.

Accompanying programme

The accompanying programme consists of concerts, exhibitions and theatre shows for children.


  1. All films in the programme are screened in their original language and must be provided with English subtitles by the party submitting the film.
  1. Costs of the transportation of the film prints and promotion materials from the country of origin to the post office in Prague and the costs of travel insurance are covered by the participant, if not arranged otherwise. The costs of insurance for loss and partial damage or complete destruction of the film print for the period starting when the festival receives the film print and ending when the festival hands the film print over to the carrier are covered by the festival. In the case of loss or destruction of the film print during the festival the festival is only responsible for the costs involved in making a new print based on the current laboratory rates for ordering a standard print. All complaints concerning the technical condition of the returned film print must be registered with the festival within one month after receiving the film print.
  2. The films are selected by a committee of experts, which constitutes the advisory body of the festivals’ Programme Director. The producer or the world sales company cannot withdraw the film from the festival once its showing has been officially confirmed.
  3. The international jury consists of distinguished representatives of the areas of culture, film production, and theory; and of film reviewers, filmmakers and producers. A special international jury will be assembled for each of the three competition sections (International Competition of Feature Films, International Competition of Short Films, Czech and Slovak Competition of Student Films). A person who has taken part in the production of any of the films in the given competition cannot become a member of the jury. All the members of the jury are bound by secrecy. The President and the Programming Director of the festival or their deputies may attend the jury sessions, but do not take part in the voting.
  4. The jurors give out the following awards:
    1. The Award for the Best Animated Feature Film for Grown-Ups comes with a financial prize of 1000 EUR.
    2. The Award for the Best Animated Feature Film for Children comes with a financial prize of 1000 EUR.
    3. The Award for the Best Animated Short Film comes with a financial prize of 1000 EUR.
    4. The Award for the Best Film in the Czech and Slovak Student Competition comes with a financial prize of 1000 EUR.

The jury can also award one Special Appreciation Award in each category. The financial prize is to be shared by the director and the producer of the awarded film and will be sent by bank transfer not later than two months from the end of the festival.

  1. Awarded authors are expected to attend the Closing Ceremony during which the awards are announced, and to mention the Award in the promoting materials of the film, both in their country of origin and abroad.
  2. In ambiguous or unclear situations and cases unforeseen by the statutes, the President of the International Festival of Animated Films ANIFILM is to take the corresponding decision, in accordance with international statutes. The organizer reserves the right to change these statutes in exceptionally serious cases.
  3. By participating in the festival you accept these statutes.

Competition rules

The competition of International Festival of Animated Films ANIFILM is governed by the Festival statutes and the Competition rules. The film is accepted into the competition on condition that:

  1. It was completed after January 1st 2011.
  2. More than 50% of the film is animation; the animation technology used in the film is not restricted.
  3. The film was not screened at Anifilm festival in the previous year’s edition.
  4. All competition sections accept films in a good technical condition, in the following formats, in a quality fit for screening in cinemas:
    • a 35mm print
    • DCP
    • Blue-Ray
    • QT-format data compressed to H.264 (HD)
    • video DVD (SD PAL)
  5. One film can only be submitted to one competition category.
  6. The films for the competition are selected by a selection committee, see Statutes 7).
  7. The selected films are evaluated by an international jury, see Statutes 8).
  8. The competition is announced by the 5th of November 2012, the application submission ends on 31st of January 2013. Visit this page to register: http://vp.eventival.eu/anifilm/2013
  9. A preview DVD with the film to be sent to the address: Anifilm, Valdštejnské náměstí 2, 118 00, Praha 1, Czech Republic, or the data (QT/H.264) to be submitted to our FTP server by 31st January 2013 at the latest. For login and password, please contact us: program@anifilm.cz
  10. The decision of the selection committee regarding the films selected for the competition will be announced by March 31st 2013, and the list of selected films will be published on the festival’s website www.anifilm.cz. Afterwards, the authors of the selected films will be requested to provide materials for the catalogue (photo, credits etc)
  11. The selected films must be delivered to the festival by April 20th 2012 at the latest. This deadline must be respected in all cases. The participant is bound to comply with the film print transportation instructions.
  12. The producer of the film to be screened at the festival must be authorized to screen the film at the festival and to handle the film.
  13. The applicant hereby agrees with his film becoming a part of the Festival Echos, which are not organized to gain profit – there is no entrance fee to these screenings.
  14. The following documents must be delivered along with the film: the synopsis, the press kit (if available), screenshots from the film, a photo of the director, the biography and filmography of the director, dialogue list in Czech or in English (if available).
  15. The producer of the film to be screened at the festival provides the company Anifilm with the rights to use the sent photographic, graphic and text documents of the film for the festival catalogue, website and promotion print, free of charge and with no limits as to territory, time, volume and way of usage.
  16. All the additional documents listed in Competition rules 11) are kept by the festival and not returned to the participant.
  17. The producer of the short film to be screened in the competition provides the company Anifilm with the rights to screen the film at the Anifilm Echoes projections, if the projections are of a non-commercial nature.

In connection with agreeing to screen the film at the International Festival of Animated Films ANIFILM Třeboň, the producer agrees that his or her personal data will be processed based on Section 5 and 9 Act. N. 101/2000 Sb. I declare that all the above listed personal data are complete, correct and true and I agree with the conditions listed in the Festival statutes and Competition rules.

Competition sections categories

  1. International Competition of Animated Feature Films
    1. Films for Grown-Ups
    2. Films for Children
  2. International Competition of Animated Short Films
  3. Czech-Slovak Student Competition