Czech–Slovak Competition of Student Films
Czech–Slovak Competition of Student Films
Mária Oľhová | Slovakia | 2012 | 8 min
Water brings a man and woman together, becomes a barrier, and a child is born in it – one that brings them together again.
Where Do the Wild Butterflies Grow?
Vlaďka Macurová | Czech Republic | 2012 | 6 min
A little creature is born and travels through a fantastical world, where it encounters other begins, seeking friendship among them. A poetic story about the search for kindred spirits.
Another World
Matyáš Trnka | Czech Republic | 2012 | 2 min
A story from ancient times.
The Town on the Elbe
Bára Zadražilová | Czech Republic | 2012 | 3 min
A film based on the song by Žofie Kabelková. A young woman travels to her new home in Ústí nad Labem. We hear her thoughts, doubts, and hopes as she travels by train…
Martin Máj | Czech Republic | 2013 | 7 min
A darkly humorous short about travelling to different countries.
The Trip
Ondřej Dolejší | Czech Republic | 2012 | 6 min
An audiovisual meditation on the subject of travelling.
The First Fish
Veronika Göttlichová | Czech Republic | 2012 | 13 min
An old fisherman catches memories in the sea in the form of glistening fish. A little girl just cannot seem to catch her memory. She dreams of growing up, and hides her pink dreams of the future in seashells that she finds on the beach. One day, the fisherman catches a memory that isn’t his....
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze
Vladimír Daťka | Czech Republic | 2012 | 4 min
The story of a young man who every morning awakens into a lonely world. He hopes and hopes to meet a kindred spirit, but there does not appear to be anyone else in the world. A music video to a song by Czech band Vypsaná fixa. The song and film are very loosely based on a story by William Saroyan.
The Robbery
Jan Saska | Czech Republic | 2012 | 2 min
A darkly humorous short about a failed bank robbery.
Tereza Vostradovská | Czech Republic | 2012 | 4 min
If a person were to set out on a journey through his own soul, it might look like a diverse black-and-white landscape full of cliffs and lakes. As the main protagonist walks through this landscape, he must come to terms with his own conscience, embodied by a dark shadow in a cave that persecutes him. After a long journey full of revelations and new knowledge, he finally finds his own face.
Matúš Vizár | Czech Republic | 2012 | 12 min
They evolved for a million years, until they ended up all alone in the bamboo forest. There they were found, and the active primates started to take care of them. The story of a species that everybody takes care of.
Animus et Aqua
Michaela Hoffová | Czech Republic | 2012 | 11 min
Po dlouhém spánku se žena-robot probudí v tichém Ráji, na planetě pokryté lesy a vegetací.
Vydá se na mystickou cestu k naplnění, pouze s hlavou svého partnera-robota, jehož tělo bylo zničeno nemilosrdnou divočinou.
Under Water
Denisa Faltýnková | Czech Republic | 2012 | 4 min
In marriage – in fact, in any long-term relationship – the way the partners see and perceive each other naturally changes over time. Feelings of bondage, constraint, and loss of freedom often end up being destructive. A beautiful, innocent being slowly transforms into a monster. Must we escape from such a relationship? Or is it enough to introduce a greater level of tolerance and respect?
Don’t Be Curly
Veronika Jelínková | Czech Republic | 2012 | 7 min
A short movie about restless hair curls, troubles, dreams and the power of wishing.