A Tribute to Adolf Born
Adolf Born was born in 1930 in the town of České Velenice. He studied at Charles University’s Faculty of Education, under Antonín Pelc at the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, and at the Academy of Fine Arts. He originally drew caricatures and book illustrations. In 1972, he became a member of the famous trio of Macourek, Born, and Doubrava, whose animated films are known throughout the world. Born and Miloš Macourek created nearly 60 films together. He has been honoured with numerous domestic and international prizes and awards. The distinctive style and sense of humour found in his countless works of graphic art, book illustrations, and small-scale comics are a trademark style recognized throughout the world.
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, the Sailor from York
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, the Sailor from York
Stanislav Látal | Czechoslovakia | 1981 | 72 min
A full-length picture based on the famous novel by Daniel Defoe. The picture, unlike the other film adaptations of the story, focuses much more on Crusoe’s life before and after his stay on the island. Following the principle of setting the novel right, it describes Crusoe’s experiences with delicate irony and understanding.
Su 05/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
Short Films
What if…?
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1972 | 8 min
A humorous story about people who before doing anything imagine all possible unpleasant consequences of their action and in the end decide that they better do not do anything. it is the first episode of the series of moralities for adults by the trio of directors Macourek, Born, Doubrava.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
A Picture From the Life of Birds
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1973 | 8 min
An excellently ironic morality story by the authors Macourek, Born and Doubrava which deals with the difficult situation of a woman in a temporary family. In an exaggerated way the woman sets herself free and starts to fly independently and in the same independent manner she volunteers to go back to her kitchen and slavery.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
A Picture From the Life of Children
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1977 | 10 min
A morality play that humorously deals with current social problems. The conflict is between a child’s fantasy and the ignorance of adults who get punished for chastising children for what makes them be children in the first place.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
Inferiority Complex
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1981 | 10 min
A humorous criminal story about a dog that knew how to read, appreciated classical music and spoke a foreign language. His primitive master hates his dog’s superiority and tries to liquidate it physically. In the end he pays for it himself.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
Mr Arn’s Treasure
Václav Bedřich | Czechoslovakia | 1967 | 20 min
Film adaptation of a ballad story by Selma Lagerlöf, the first woman whose work was awarded the Nobel Prize. The main theme is the strength of a clear conscience and the vain longing to break ones destiny circle. The character who represents the conflict is the young Elsallil. The unusual form of a (folding) pop-up picture book reflects the features and atmosphere of a Nordic saga of guilt that cannot be undone.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
Kropacek Has a Sore Throat
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1978 | 8 min
The forth episode of the “Mach And Sebestova” series. The schoolmates from the third “B” class with the help of their magic receiver make themselves so small such that they can bravely fight the bacilli in their schoolmate’s – Kropacek’s – throat.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
The Boy Who Turned into a Cupboard
Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1989 | 11 min
Parents from all over the world hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with misbehaviour. The only parents who are missing are those of Silvester, the best behaved boy in the world. The meeting votes to go and have a look, so that he may serve as an example to all other children. Silvester is truly an extraordinary child, but his “being good always and under all circumstances” gets a bit out of hand...
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall
Sophie’s Gala Performance
Miloš Macourek, Adolf Born, Jaroslav Doubrava | Czechoslovakia | 1986 | 10 min
A joyful cartoon animation for children about animals with human characteristics. Zbynek the tapir, Mr. Wolf and Jirka the sloth need help, while the Gorillas, Ostriches and Mr. Fox need to be taught a lesson. With the help of the other zoo animals Sophie always knows what to do.
Sa 04/05/2013
Tu 07/05/2013
Czech television Hall