Animo TV

This section for audiences of all ages includes new and classic works of domestic and foreign television. This year, classic animation is again represented by two blocks of Czech Television’s popular “bedtime stories”, but we have also included the newest bedtime stories that haven’t even been broadcast yet. Older audiences will enjoy several lesser-known bedtime stories for grown-ups. In terms of foreign works, for the youngest audiences we present the German series Sandpixies, which was made using sand animation, and older children and adults can look forward to the American adventure series Adventure Time from Cartoon Network. Also for grown-ups is the French travelogue Faces from Places, which shows people and places from around the world through the eyes of a traveler and his drawings. 

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Favourite Bedtime Stories I.


Tales from among the Moss and Ferns – How Křemílek and Vochomůrka Planted a Seed

Tales from among the Moss and Ferns – How Křemílek and Vochomůrka Planted a Seed

Zdeněk Smetana | 1970 | 7 min

Křemílek and Vochomůrka want to grow a flower. They try and try but the seed refuses to grow. Finally, they fall asleep from all their work. When they wake up, they are amazed: the sun has helped the seed grow into a tall mullein. And all the way at the top is Vochomůrka’s hat, with which he had covered the seed so it wouldn’t be cold. He climbs up to get it, but slips and falls down. Luckily, the sun sends a butterfly to save the little dwarf.

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Poppy-Seed Fairy – The Poppy-Seed Fairy and Burásek the Robber

The Poppy-Seed Fairy – The Poppy-Seed Fairy and Burásek the Robber

Václav Bedřich | 1971 | 7 min

The Poppy-Seed Fairy is visited by an acorn that has lost its little cap. She asks Emanuel the butterfly to lend him a hat. Suddenly the little mossy robber Burásek appears, searching for his lost acorn. Emanuel and the fairy hide the runaway, but the robber spies him all the same. In the end, the Poppy-Seed Fairy has to hide the little acorn man in a pit in the ground. And in that spot a giant tree grows, covered in acorns….

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Little Man: How He Struck his First Spark

The Little Man: How He Struck his First Spark

Josef Lamka | 1985 | 9 min

The Little Man is looking for something to eat in his prehistoric natural surroundings. When a bolt of lighting strikes a dried tree, he learns the usefulness of fire. But then the rain comes and puts out the fire. By chance, the Little Man discovers that fire can be started by striking a spark. With fire, he is safe and warm.

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Mr. Krbec’s Animals – The Scrawled-On Castle

Mr. Krbec’s Animals – The Scrawled-On Castle

Václav Bedřich | 1978 | 7 min

It is night, and everybody at Kulík Castle is asleep. But the castle warden Mr. Krbec is snoring so loudly that it bothers not only his tomcat Kokeš, but also the ghost of the castle’s former lord, Ruprecht. When the snoring shakes his painting off the wall, Ruprecht gets angry and starts to wake up Mr. Krbec in the most indiscriminate manner. And so they start to chase each other throughout the castle.

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Boy from the Poster – Good Grades

The Boy from the Poster – Good Grades

Josef Kábrt | 1978 | 7 min

One day while on his way to school, Lucas passes a poster with a boy who looks like his spitting image. The two become friends and have exciting adventures while exploring various other posters hanging on the wall. And that’s not all – for instance, the boy from the poster occasionally goes to school in Lucas’ place, and so it comes as no surprise that he wants to be rewarded for their good grades…

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Kanafásek – How They Were Curious

Kanafásek – How They Were Curious

Galina Miklínová | 2004 | 9 min

Jonas’ parents are getting ready for a costume party. Kanafásek mistakenly puts grandma to sleep although she was supposed to baby-sit Jonas. And so Jonas asks Kanafásek to go with him to the party, where a contest for best costume and dancer is under way. The Dream-Master and Sleepy-Bye have to get involved – after all, you can’t just run around like that and not go to bed. But they can’t find Jonas: He is hiding in the prize basket, which the winners take home with them. 

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Two Little Kittens – Cat Doodles

Two Little Kittens – Cat Doodles

Ladislav Čapek | 1976 | 8 min

Macourek and Canfourek are two curious and playful little kittens who listen less to their mother than to the older and craftier Klever Kat.

At first, Klever Kat and the kittens draw pictures on the road, but then they paint the entire house. A storm comes, but the house – angry at being scrawled on – refuses to let them in.

Fr 03/05/2013

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Favourite Bedtime Stories II.


Cipísek, the Robber’s Son – How Cipísek Wore Out His First Pair of Shoes

Cipísek, the Robber’s Son – How Cipísek Wore Out His First Pair of Shoes

Ladislav Čapek | 1971 | 8 min

Rumcajs and Manka give birth to little Cipísek, and so they move from Jičín back to Řáholec Forest. The fresh air does the robber’s son good, and Rumcajs sets to cobbling him his first pair of shoes. He sends Manka to find jay feathers for decoration, and although she counters that it is still early for shoes, she goes. When she returns to their cave, Cipísek is no longer in his cradle. But he wasn’t carried off by a fox or a badger – and not even by the squirrel, in whose nest Rumcajs eventually finds him...

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Katie and Škubánek – The Egg

Katie and Škubánek – The Egg

Věra Marešová | 1982 | 7 min

Ever since Katie found the little dog Škubánek in the pram into which she had placed a chocolate egg with the wish that it might hatch something for her, the two of them have been inseparable friends. They share fun and suspenseful adventures and take part in many games and contests. Everything would be for the best, if it wasn’t for the malicious tomcat Lucius, who is jealous of their friendship.

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Blackbird Brothers – How They Painted the Devil

The Blackbird Brothers – How They Painted the Devil

Garik Seko | 1982 | 7 min

Joseph and Václav are more than ordinary blackbirds who merely fly about carefree. They also go on pilgrimages, are so desperate for cherries that they join the mole in building an underground tunnel, visit the zoo, and even like to eat pancakes.

One day, they have nothing to do and so they just go for a walk. When they see a wall with graffiti, they draw a devil on it. At first it was just for fun and he fulfils all their wishes, but soon he is nothing but trouble.

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Robátko the Game Warden and Zephyr the Stag: How Everything Hung by the Last Thread

Robátko the Game Warden and Zephyr the Stag: How Everything Hung by the Last Thread

Ladislav Čapek | 1978 | 8 min

Zephyr and Robátko trip over Líčko the badger, but Robátko immediately rubs some plantago ointment on his face and apologizes. The badger promises to help Robátko if he should ever need it. Around the same time, Kotrč convinces Barbara the water sprite that he might not be so angry all the time if he got himself a woman to do his housework for him. Barbara uses some pearls to ensnare Josephine, while Mr. Kotrč peers out from behind the willows to see if she will take the bait…

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Hugo the Abominable Snowman – Moving

Hugo the Abominable Snowman – Moving

Mirko Kačena | 1987 | 8 min

Merry tales of a hard-working professor and the abominable snowman Hugo, whom he brought home from an expedition to the mountains. Hugo finds himself among people, tries to learn their habits, and makes friends with children, but is glad to go back home in the end. The encounter between an abominable snowman and the world of people offers an opportunity for many merry tales.

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

 Sophie the Zoo Director – How Sophie Sent Irene to Save Tapir Zbynko

Sophie the Zoo Director – How Sophie Sent Irene to Save Tapir Zbynko

Cilka Dvořáková | 1996 | 8 min

Tapir Zbynko is ill and nobody knows what to do. Finally, Sophie decides to send someone to the tapir homeland for advice. Irene the fly, who had previously only bugged everyone at the zoo, flies on a successful mission, and everyone realizes that even small and annoying flies have a right to live.

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Ratboys – Louis and Ed

The Ratboys – Louis and Ed

Cyril Podolský, Milan Šebesta | 2007 | 9 min

In a small junkyard near the town of Vizovice in Moravia, in the middle of the Wallachian Kingdom, there live two rats – Hubert and Hodan. They have one friend together, the plaster garden gnome Louis, with whom they live in the drawers of an old sewing machine. On one of their walks, they meet Ed, a laboratory rat from Prague, who finds temporary refuge with them.

Sa 04/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

New Bedtime Stories


Alva the Inventor – On the Farm

Alva the Inventor – On the Farm

Luděk Bárta | 2012 | 9 min

Denise and Philip’s farmer uncle leaves for the county fair and leaves the children a list of things that need to be done – the perfect job for Alva’s multifaceted agricultural robot. The idea is that he will turn their farm work into a piece of cake. But the opposite happens, as the remote control ends up under the hooves of a herd of cows and the robot gets out of control. In just a few minutes, everything at the farm is in chaos.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Little Earthworms – The Little Hare

Little Earthworms – The Little Hare

Jaromír Gál | 2012 | 9 min

Our two inseparable earthworm friends are blowing bubbles when all of a sudden they hear someone crying in the field of grain. They follow the sound and discover a sad little hare, whom they try to cheer up with a bottle of milk and by blowing bubbles. It is harvest time, and a giant combine is approaching. Their blackbird friend Blackie can’t get the hare to move aside, but luckily the Little Earthworms change themselves into balloons and carry the hare to safety.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

White Lady Babysitter – Alarm in Paradise

White Lady Babysitter – Alarm in Paradise

Petr Friedl | 2013 | 8 min

Mrs. White is the only person who can manage to look after quadruplets Barnabas, Matthew, Tobias and Uriah. And why shouldn’t she be? After all, she is a ghost – a real White Lady from an old castle. Today, the boys want to go for a walk in town, but the playground chaperone refuses to let them in so they go to play at the “Animal Paradise”. Soon, however, the game gets out of control and the White Lady and the boys must expend all their efforts (including her magic powers) to set things right again.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Little Cabin on the Hill – How Barbara was Born

The Little Cabin on the Hill – How Barbara was Born

Director Šárka Váchová | 2013 | 8 min

The new episodes of the popular puppet series The Little Cabin on the Hill tell the story of life in a picturesque foothill village in the olden days, from January to December.

The cobbler’s family is expecting a baby, and the father, Matthew, is sitting in front of the cabin. Johnny, Annie and Apollena are keeping an eye out for the stork, but it seems strange to them – who has ever heard of a stork coming in January? Grandpa Koudelka explains that storks don’t bring children; children are born when Daddy and Mommy love one another.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

The Littlest Elephant in the World – Dad Brews a Potion

The Littlest Elephant in the World – Dad Brews a Potion

Libor Pixa | 2013 | 8 min

Frederick is a little elephant boy who never grew up much, and so he barely reaches normal elephants up to their ankles. But he won’t be discouraged. Because he is smart, has a good heart, and friend he can rely on, he can do everything that the big strong elephants can. 

His father is constantly wondering whether there might still be a way to get Frederick to grow a little more, and so he decides to mix a magic potion according to an ancient recipe.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Of Course It’s a Mouse – Expedition to the Kitchen

Of Course It’s a Mouse – Expedition to the Kitchen

Dagmar Doubková, Jan Tománek | 2013 | 8 min

Living in one house are not only its human inhabitants, but also an original mouse family. Worrywart Grandpa Whiskers, his oldest grandson Ferda, younger brother Bellybutton and their fashionable sister Ribbon. The three grandchildren discover a secret underground passage that lets them explore the entire house, and so they experience many adventures, surprising situations, and lots of fun. It’s a good thing that Grandpa’s wise intervention towards the end of the episode prevents a catastrophe. 

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Racochejl the Goblin – How He Met the Magician

Racochejl the Goblin – How He Met the Magician

Jiří P. Miška | 2013 | 10 min

The popular series about Racochejl the goblin is built around Zdeněk Smetana’s exceptional artistic style. This morning, Racochejl was awakened by a loud splashing noise. Taking a bath in the tub is a strange magician. Nearby the Muddies are throwing mud at Shrew and forcing him to sing and dance, but the mud turns him into a clay statue. Racochejl asks the magician to intervene, and he punishes the Muddies.

Sa 04/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Bedtime Stories for grown-ups


Rumcajs and the Fairy’s Veil

Rumcajs and the Fairy’s Veil

Ladislav Čapek | Czechoslovakia | 1976 | 11 min

The Lord of Jičín is getting ready to marry off his daughter to her foppish groom. The young countess is beautiful, but no wedding dress is good enough for her. The footboy offers to find her a dress from the finest fabric. He lays in wait for a fairy from Řáholec Forest, and steals it from her. The poor fairy is left alone in the forest, naked like the day she was born. When Manka comes along, she sees that she cannot leave the fairy just like that. And besides, what if her husband Rumcajs ran into her? 

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

We 08/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Bob and Bobek’s Grand Show

Bob and Bobek’s Grand Show

Václav Bedřich | Czechoslovakia | 1980 | 10 min

It is New Year’s Eve and Bob and Bobek are having a champagne toast when they notice that their hat (their home) has disappeared. They go in search of it, and discover that Pokuston the magician is getting ready for a show. They sneak backstage and cause chaos and confusion... only to hide in his hat during the grand finale.

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

We 08/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Maxipes Fík Makes a Movie

Maxipes Fík Makes a Movie

Václav Bedřich | Czechoslovakia | 1978 | 11 min

Instead of catching a butterfly as he had planned, the hunter in his elegant summer outfit manages to catch a fine-looking lady in the bushes. After a lover’s romp, our hunter runs off to the pond for a little dip. Well, and on the other side of the pond is a house, and it are Ája and her talking dog Maxipes Fík, who have found an advertisement in the newspaper looking for a large, intelligent dog. It’s a good thing they went – the film studio has never witnessed such a day.

Su 05/05/2013

Czech television Hall

We 08/05/2013

J. K. Tyl Theatre
> map

Animated Clips on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Czech Television


Playing at Television

Bára Dlouhá | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.


Michaela Pavlátová | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.

Plant a Television

Maria Procházková | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.


David Súkup | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.

2053: Invasion

Libor Pixa | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.


Jiří Barta | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.


Pavel Koutský | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.


Michal Žabka | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.

Life with Television

Aurel Klimt | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.

Noah’s Ark

Noro Držiak | Czech Republic | 2012 | 0:20 min

Short animated clips by Czech animators on “the phenomenon of television”.



The Sandpixies

The Sandpixies

Ralf Kukula | Germany | 2013 | 13x5 min

What happens in the sandpit when all the children have gone home for the evening? Nothing? If you were to wake up and go to see for yourself, you would be surprised to meet the sandpixies Agatha and George there, both of them entirely made of sand. During the daytime the two of them sleep curled up in the sand, indistinguishable from their surroundings and invisible to people. But if you stay very still and listen carefully, you can hear them snoring softly under a small mound of sand. 

Fr 03/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Adventure Time I.


Adventure Time I.

Adventure Time I.

Pendleton Ward | USA | 2010 | 13x11 min

The “Adventure Time” series created by animator Pendleton Ward is based on a short produced for Frederator’s Nicktoons Network animation incubator series “Random! Cartoons”. According to the creator, the show’s style is a “dark comedy” with “beautiful” moments like those in Hayao Miyazaki’s film My Neighbor Totoro, and some subversive humour inspired by comedy series such as “The Simpsons” and “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse”, set in a post-apocalyptic setting. Ward once described the setting as “candyland on the surface and dark underneath”. 

Fr 03/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Adventure Time II.


Adventure Time II.

Adventure Time II.

Pendleton Ward | USA | 2010 | 13x11 min

The “Adventure Time” series created by animator Pendleton Ward is based on a short produced for Frederator’s Nicktoons Network animation incubator series “Random! Cartoons”. According to the creator, the show’s style is a “dark comedy” with “beautiful” moments like those in Hayao Miyazaki’s film My Neighbor Totoro, and some subversive humour inspired by comedy series such as “The Simpsons” and “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse”, set in a post-apocalyptic setting. Ward once described the setting as “candyland on the surface and dark underneath”.

Su 05/05/2013

Tu 07/05/2013

Czech television Hall

Faces from Places


Faces from Places

Faces from Places

Bastien Dubois | France, Switzerland | 2013 | 20x3 min

Twenty episodes, 20 encounters in 20 different countries. This distinctive travelogue consists of a diverse mix of original sketches and personal stories from around the world. Through encounters with the local inhabitants, the traveller and viewer learn about their culture, history, and the environment in which they live. With this series, Bastien Dubois expanded upon the theme of his Oscar-nominated short Madagascar, a Journey Diary (Madagascar, carnet de voyage, 2010). He uses real paintings, watercolours and illustrations that he digitally processed and animated using various techniques such as facial motion capture, 2D, 3D and rotoscoping. 

Fr 03/05/2013

Mo 06/05/2013

Czech television Hall