Czech animated commercial underwent significant development after the Velvet Revolution. While it is hard to secure funding for authorial animated films, commissioned works such as commercial, spots and jingles represent certainties for their authors. Renowned and established authors don’t hesitate to insert their own graphic style into the commissioned works. Our showcase includes spots by famous authors and graphic artists – e.g. Michal Žabka, Noro Držiak, Jan Balej, Bára Dlouhá, Denisa Grimmová and Jaromír Plachý.
Apart from Czech animated commercials, we will screen a selection of several dozen commercials, spots and jingles from the competition of the most prestigious European festival of animated films in Annecy. The showcase brings representatives of contemporary commercial animated film. The selection proves that the authors use various technologies to appeal to their customers and consumers. Most of the authors use computer animation but there are still hand-animated works whose quality attracted the public and made it to the festival competition – for example classical puppet.