International festival of animated films Třeboň Czech Republic May 1st - 6th 2018
Světozor Cinema
J. K. Tyl Theatre
Puppet Theatre
Roháč - ČT Hall
Roháč - I. floor
Masaryk Square
Štěpánek Netolický House - Gallery
Castle Gallery
Zlatá Hvězda
Festival Tent / Castle Park
Pivovar / Brewery
100 years of the CSR 13.00 - 14.32
100 years of the CSR
100 years of the CSR 13.00 - 14.32 - Světozor Cinema
(free seats: 85)
The Significant Personalities of Our Lives, Ideas in Search of Light, The Springer and SS-Men, A Song about a Harmonica, Temporary Job, The Eye, The Song, Chess, The Queues, The Last Stone, The Idol, The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, No Comment(s)
Loving Vincent 15.00 - 16.35 United Kingdom, Poland | 95 min
Loving Vincent
Loving Vincent 15.00 - 16.35 - Světozor Cinema 2017', United Kingdom, Poland
DIRECTION: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
EN (CS titulky)
(free seats: 1)
Short Films A 17.00 - 18.15
Short Films A
Short Films A 17.00 - 18.15 - Světozor Cinema
(free seats: 2)
Charlie the Snowman’s Christmas Wedding, Ghost, Manivald, Reruns, Toy House, World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts
Music Videos 19.00 - 20.20
Music Videos
Music Videos 19.00 - 20.20 - Světozor Cinema
(free seats: 82)
Rex Orange County (feat. Benny Sings): Loving is Easy, Opak Dissu: Fabia Trap, Antoine Debarge: Dolly.Zero, Tall Juan: Cuidacoches, Autobianchin: Les bras d'Amelie, Tom Rosenthal: Fenn, Clemente Castillo: Fuegos Artificiales, Eluvium: Regenerative Being, Toto Bona Lokua: Ma Mama, Kożuch: Warszawa, Husky: Ghost, The Shanghai Restoration Project: I Don’t Like the Comics You Drew, Schööf: Krapfen, Smiley: Flori de plastic, Sookee: Queere Tiere, Counting sheep -electric sleeps-, Tree9: Ma Ydoum Hal, Tristram Ethergale: Smokingbird, Vulfgang Rainstorme: Semblance, Yung Nnelg ft. Ray Fuego: Tetsuo, Barbora Poláková: Krosna, Fergie: Love Is Blind
Kado: Beyond Information 21.00 - 23.00 Japan | 120 min
Kado: Beyond Information
Kado: Beyond Information 21.00 - 23.00 - Světozor Cinema 2017', Japan
DIRECTION: Masaki Watanabe
(free seats: 60)
Opening Ceremony of the festival + Opening film Isle of Dogs (only for invited) 19.00 - 21.30 150 min
VAF New Talents 2018 13.00 - 14.09
VAF New Talents 2018
VAF New Talents 2018 13.00 - 14.09 - Puppet Theatre
Oh Jesus, Oh Mother!, Mukumu, Fruits of Clouds, Bond, Contrast, mARRY jESUS gALAXY, Process, "The Stranger" in My Head, Tutti, WireLess
Poland at VAF 15.00 - 15.30 15 min
Poland at VAF
Poland at VAF 15.00 - 15.30 - Puppet Theatre
VAF Pitching Competition: Category Short Films 15.15 - 18.45 210 min
VAF Pitching Competition: Category Short Films
VAF Pitching Competition: Category Short Films 15.15 - 18.45 - Puppet Theatre
Czech Horizon: Student Films I 18.30 - 19.43
Czech Horizon: Student Films I
Czech Horizon: Student Films I 18.30 - 19.43 - Puppet Theatre
(free seats: 58)
Hypnagogia, Chase, Wandering Bondy, FOOD, Ghostory, 24, Through the Marsh, Do Not Touch!, Run out of White Horses, The Spellbound, Legend of a Polar Bear, Twilight Witch, In a Dumpster
Short Films B 20.00 - 21.18
Short Films B
Short Films B 20.00 - 21.18 - Puppet Theatre
(free seats: 16)
Yellow, Grandpa Walrus, Rabbit's Blood, Sleepy, Cat Days, Nothing Happens, Conan O'Brien Discusses "We're Going to be Friends" by The White Stripes, Mermaids and Rhinos
Abstract and Non-narrative Animations B 21.30 - 22.14
Abstract and Non-narrative Animations B
Abstract and Non-narrative Animations B 21.30 - 22.14 - Puppet Theatre
(free seats: 69)
V&T, The Battle of San Romano, Crux, Silo, Divisional Articulations, The Train, the Forest, Dreamland, Boy Transcoded from Phosphene, Elegy, Water Dream
TV Panorama: Gruffalo 09.00 - 09.54 United Kingdom, Germany | 54 min
TV Panorama: Gruffalo
TV Panorama: Gruffalo 09.00 - 09.54 - Roháč - ČT Hall United Kingdom, Germany
DIRECTION: různí / various
CS 3+
Emil the Doughnut 10.30 - 11.26 56 min
Emil the Doughnut
Emil the Doughnut 10.30 - 11.26 - Roháč - ČT Hall
DIRECTION: Blanka Šperková
SK 6+
My Life as a Zucchini 13.30 - 14.36 Switzerland, France | 66 min
My Life as a Zucchini
My Life as a Zucchini 13.30 - 14.36 - Roháč - ČT Hall 2016', Switzerland, France
DIRECTION: Claude Barras
TV Panorama: Wakfu 15.30 - 16.39 France | 69 min
TV Panorama: Wakfu
TV Panorama: Wakfu 15.30 - 16.39 - Roháč - ČT Hall 2008', France
ČEZ - School of Animation 12.00 - 17.00
ČEZ - School of Animation
ČEZ - School of Animation 12.00 - 17.00 - Roháč - I. floor
Inside Out 21.00 - 22.42 United States | 102 min
Inside Out
Inside Out 21.00 - 22.42 - Masaryk Square 2015', United States
DIRECTION: Ronnie Del Carmen, Pete Docter
Game Worlds: Another Level of Czech Animation 10.00 - 18.00
Game Worlds: Another Level of Czech Animation
Game Worlds: Another Level of Czech Animation 10.00 - 18.00 - Štěpánek Netolický House - Gallery
Milan Cais | exhibition 09.00 - 18.00
Milan Cais | exhibition
Milan Cais | exhibition 09.00 - 18.00 - Castle Gallery
VAF Třeboň 2018: Opening Session 12.30 - 13.15 45 min
VAF Třeboň 2018: Opening Session
VAF Třeboň 2018: Opening Session 12.30 - 13.15 - Zlatá Hvězda
Slovakia and Hungary at VAF 13.15 - 14.00 45 min
Slovakia and Hungary at VAF
Slovakia and Hungary at VAF 13.15 - 14.00 - Zlatá Hvězda
Aid Kid & Isama Zing Live 22.30 - 23.30 60 min
Aid Kid & Isama Zing Live
Aid Kid & Isama Zing Live 22.30 - 23.30 - Festival Tent / Castle Park
Aid Kid / Isama Zing DJ sets 23.59 - 01.59
Aid Kid / Isama Zing DJ sets
Aid Kid / Isama Zing DJ sets 23.59 - 01.59 - Pivovar / Brewery