International festival of animated films Třeboň Czech Republic May 1st - 6th 2018


Accommodation for visitors 


Festival accomodation in the gym

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Sportovní hala Třeboň
Lázeňská 1005
379 01 Třeboň

  • 100 CZK (4 ) / night
  • shared bathrooms and showers

If you are interested in a cheap festival accommodation in the gym, with your sleeping pad and sleeping bag, then you can arrange it personally during the Festival in the Festival Center, Krčínova str. 51, Třeboň.

Pick up the accommodation vouchers

After your arrival to Trebon you need to pick up the accommodation voucher at the guest service desk. More information about the opening hours you can find here


Parking in Třeboň

information where it is possible to park in Trebon can be found here