26 | 04
Animarket and Game Day, Game a VR zone
Animarket is a job market for studios and schools focusing on animation, VFX, game development and VR/AR with a balanced participation of subjects from CEE countries. The event will take place on Friday 4th May and its aim is to provide long-term support to students and graduates in finding career opportunities in creative industries with natural emphasis on animation and to connect individual studios and motivate them to collaborate. Game Day will be held from 5th to 6th May. As a part of the Indie Expo, game developers will present their games in development to the public. We have also prepared a number of lectures by international guests.
Game and VR Zone
The festival will newly open a Game and VR Zone which will be situated on the 1st floor of the Měšťanská Beseda and will be open throughout the whole duration of the festival. You will have a chance to play the games from our International Competition of Independent Computer Games, watch VR films and try games in virtual reality.