09 | 03
National Competition Czech Horizon this Year with Four Categories
Our national competition Czech Horizon will undoubtedly be a varied and comprehensive preview of contemporary Czech animation. It is divided into four sub-categories and includes a high number of student entries. In total 28 student films have made into the selection and Anifilm will screen them in two blocks. Almost all Czech animation schools will be represented making sure that Czech Horizon will bring a unique comparison. Apart from schools which are often represented in similar selections such as the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, the Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Arts of the University of West Bohemia and the Academy of Arts and Architecture and Design in Prague, we will see works from the University of Ostrava, the Miroslav Ondříček Film Academy in Písek and Václav Hollar Art School.
Our short film category includes nine authorial films. Some of them were made by renowned filmmakers (Pavel Koutský, Vít Pancíř, Katariina Lillqvist), others by ambitious debutants (Michal Kubíček).
Six films will compete in the category for television and online films. We will have a chance to see an interesting comparison of classical series made for the Czech Television with films produced by Stream.cz and a project by Kateřina Karhánková and Alexandra Hetmerová called Hungry Bear Tales. This project has achieved success e.g. at the Amsterdam Cinekid festival.
The most voluminous category is the one including music videos and commissioned work – it includes 32 various entries ranging from advertisements and spots to opening title sequences. This all is animation and thanks to the Czech Horizon, we will once again have a chance to see it all at one place.