01 | 05
Tips for Tuesday
Světozor Cinema, 3:00 p.m.
Loving Vincent is a feature film that combines animation of the painter’s unique oil paintings with rotoscopy. If you haven’t seen it yet, you definitely should! The film is not a biography but rather a crime drama with some biographical features. It was animated using 66,960 oil paintings based on 94 van Gogh’s original paintings and painted by 125 artists from all over the world.
Světozor Cinema, 9:00 p.m.
The narrative style of this suspenseful and action-packed sci-fi film is so captivating that the viewers simply can’t take their eyes off the screen for the whole two hours it lasts. The story of KADO: Beyond Information, which revolves around a giant mysterious cube that descends from the sky and absorbs a plane with more than 200 passengers as it’s taking off, will immediately draw you in.
Don’t Be Afraid to Animate
The festival will once again give kids a unique chance to become directors, artists, screenwriters, and animators of their very own animated films. The ČEZ School of Animation will be waiting for them on the first floor of the Cultural Centre Roháč. The animation workshops will take place every day from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and your little filmmakers will get to try all kinds of animation techniques, including cut-out, hand-drawn, and sand animation, pixilation (animation using live actors), and even puppet animation, one of the more demanding techniques. The workshops will be led by experienced teachers and students of animation from various secondary schools, colleges, and universities.