Hear animation in the Foley Studio BEEP

Hear animation in the Foley Studio BEEP

08 | 10


On the ground floor of the Red Wing of Liberec Castle, you will find Foly Studio BEEP from Thursday to Sunday. In this interactive space, you can experience what it takes to be a foley artist. Sound engineer Kryštof Blabla and foley artist Andrea Veselková will walk you through the production process, explain the principles of Foley artistry and show you how sounds are reproduced. Every visitor will have the chance to try adding sounds to a selected scene from Deep in Moss by Filip Pošivač and Barbora Valecká.

The workshop starts every full hour from 10 am to 6 pm except 12–13. On Sundays from 10 am to 16 pm. The maximum number of participants is 8 - book your place in advance at the entrance.